
Restoration & Remediation Business M&A Advisor & Broker

Restoration and Remediation Brokers Fix Things Up

There is perhaps no greater desperation when it comes to business, then when a homeowner needs a restoration and remediation company. Whether flood, fire, or some other act of God has brought havoc to a house, if a family needs you, they need you immediately. In order to be at the beck and call of your customers, and to bring order to their chaos, you need to bring a lot of positive energy to your job. And you never know when you will be awakened in the middle of the night to solve some problems. 

That being said, if you have been thinking about selling your restoration and remediation business, you should definitely enlist the help of a restoration and remediation business advisor. This trained professional can do the heavy lifting on your sale while you manage the daily grind of the business. This is a win/win situation.

You might be wondering what a restoration and remediation business broker can offer you. There are many ways that they can be of assistance to you.

How Can a Business Broker Help Sell a Restoration & Remediation Business?

Who is Interested?

If you think it might be time to sell restoration Company and remediation Company, then your first consideration should be about the buyers. What do they want to see in a company that they might be interested in buying? A restoration and remediation business broker will help you hone in on what today’s buyers are looking for, and give you insights into all the details that are important to those who might be interested. For instance, you should look at a company’s digital footprint to see which way their interests lean. Also, you need to discern whether a buyer wants a union or non-union business. There is also a big difference in companies that want to buy a residential vs. commercial business, and an astute restoration and remediation advisor can advise you on all these things.

Nuts and Bolts

A solid restoration and remediation business advisor instructs you on the many nuances that come with selling a business. With the intensity with which you have to lead your crews through their daily projects, it is difficult to find the extra time to learn all about business sales transactions. But an advisor will step right in, studying the number of crews you have, analyzing the market trends, giving you knowledge of the P&L analysis, and understanding how market trends affect buyers. For instance, there is a distinct difference between businesses with a revenue under $1M, as opposed to those over $10M, and your restoration and remediation broker will walk you through all of that information.

Structuring a Sale

When a panicked customer calls needing your help, you jump into action and know just what to do from start to finish for any particular project. But do you even know the first thing about how to structure the sale of a business? Even the most basic tenets, like whether to do a full or partial sale, can be overwhelming when you are not used to the process. Words like cash deal and earn-out are likely to leave your eyes glossed over and your head pounding. If you take the time for a restoration and remediation M&A consulting, all of these questions will be answered before you even think of them.

Spread the Word

What good is a great business and sales plan if no one ever hears that your great business is for sale? With all of the chaos you deal with on the daily, you need someone who is dedicated to marketing your business to prospective buyers. A restoration and remediation advisor can teach you about the importance of an NDA, so your potential buyers can make an informed decision. They also know of the tricks of the Teaser page to give your prospective buyers the gist of your company. And a broker is well-versed in creating what is known as the CIM, or Confidential Information Memorandum, so that your potential buys will understand the scope of your operations, financials, and potential for growth.

You Need a Network

With your phone ringing off the hook and your jobs all taking a good chunk of time, it is not easy to try to find customers if you are thinking about selling. A restoration and remediation business advisor, however, already has a list of interested clients that are looking for a quality business to purchase. No man (or company) is an island, so go with a broker who has done a lot of the heavy lifting already.

Bring the Competition

There is a reason why the people at the top of their field value competition. Simply put, competition makes you better. And when it comes to selling your businesses, having a lot of competition bidding for your business will make the bids higher. And this will put money in your pocket. A restoration and remediation business broker knows exactly how to build the right bid for the right buyer, and that will definitely have positive ramifications for you in the sale of your company.

The Picky Details

You may have heard horror stories from other businesses who have to do their “due diligence.” And honestly, this process is no walk in the park. The mounds of paperwork that cover everything from operational, financial and commercial information also give way to a whole host of legal documents that need to be signed. From the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) to the employment agreement, there is a lot that is encompassed in due diligence. Trust a restoration and remediation advisor to do it correctly and competently, leaving you free to get your other work done.

Trust the Process

Most people are surprised to learn how long the sale of a business takes, as it usually clocks in at about 3-6 months. And odds are you don’t have that many weeks to set aside to answer emails, talk on the phone, meet with potential buyers, and do all of the other tasks that selling a house entails. But with a restoration and remediation broker on board, you will still be able to do your day job while your business is getting sold. An added bonus is that brokers are extremely discreet, and will be able to keep the process under wraps until you are totally ready to talk about the transition. This will save your crew and customers a lot of anxiety.


Sell a Restoration & Remediation Business

At Brentwood Growth, we are committed to smooth, lucrative transitions for your business. With 400 active investing partners in our arsenal, as well as a wealth of experience, our successful track record speaks for itself.

Contact us today so our restoration and remediation advisors can help you to complete the sale of your business.

At Brentwood Growth we work with over 400 investing partners actively in the market to purchase businesses, and our successful track record speaks for itself.

We provide seller side loyalty and work hard to earn your trust and advise you from start to finish. There is no retainer or monthly fee, as we are only compensated after a successful sale.

Do You Know What Your Business is Worth?

Why Work With

Brentwood Growth

Access to Buyers

Over 400 private equity firms and consolidators that are actively looking to purchase.


Ensure the sale of your business remains confidential to avoid disruptions for you.

Industry Expertise

More than 20 acquisitions with transactions from $80 million with an average of $4 million.


Learn the value of your business and receive support with pricing to the market.


As your mediator, we work with you and the buyers to make sure both parties are satisfied.


Lead by a team with 75+ years of experience. Our experience ensures a smooth experience.